miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

Artist at work

For this drawing game, you´ll need paper, and a pen or pencil. Choose someone to be the "artist".

1. The artist thinks of something to draw that won´t be too easy for the others to guess.

2. The artist starts to draw the object, a shape at a time.

3. Everyone else tries to guess what they are drawing.

4. The artist continues until someone guesses what they are drawing. The first to guess correctly is the next artist.


Use chalk to draw 2 lines on the ground for a river. Then, choose to be Mr Crocodile.

1. Mr. Crocodile stands in the river. The others all stand on one side of the river and ask:

"Fierce Mr. Crocodile, may we cross your river?"

2. Mr. Crocodile replies: Only if you´re wearing something ..., then says something such as ... red!

3. Anyone who is tagged is out. The game continues in the same way with Mr Crocodile giving a different answer each time. The last person to be tagged wins and is the next Mr Crocodile.


1. In this counting game, some numbers are replaced with squish,squash and squish-squash.
You will need to know your three and five times tables.

Squish : numbers that can be divided by 3, such as 3,6,9,12,15,18 and so on.
Squash: numbers that can be divided by 5 such as 5,10,15,20,25 and so on.

Squish-squash: numbers that can be divided by 3 and 5 such as 15 or 30.

2. Count up from 1 taking turns to say a number :

1-2- squish-4-squash-6

3. Continue for as long as you can. If anyone hesitates or makes a mistake, they´re out

27 (squish)-28  (twenty eight)- 29 (twenty nine)-squish-squash-